Plant Library

Danae racemosa
Poet's Laurel, Alexandrian-Laurel

Delosperma 'Garnet'
Hardy Ice Plant PP 27013

Delosperma 'Ruby'
Ice Plant PP 23453

Delosperma 'Sunstone'
Ice Plant PP 30294

Delosperma Ocean Sunset™ Orange Glow
Ice Plant PPAF

Delosperma Ocean Sunset™ Orange Vibe
Ice Plant PP 34943

Delosperma Ocean Sunset™ Violet
Ice Plant PP 34730

Delosperma Wheels of Wonder™ Golden Wonder
Ice Plant PP 25684

Deutzia 'Nikko'
Slender Deutzia

Dianthus 'Angel of Joy'
Pinks PPAF

Dianthus 'Angel of Purity'
Pinks PPAF

Dianthus 'Appleblossom Burst'
Pinks PP 31454

Dianthus 'Bath's Pink'

Dianthus 'Coral Reef'
Pinks PP 19660

Dianthus 'Double Bubble'
Pinks PP 29972

Dianthus 'Early Bird™ Chili'
Pinks PP 24363

Dianthus 'Electric Red'
Pinks PP 29591

Dianthus 'Firewitch'

Dianthus 'Goody Gumdrops'
Pinks PP 32591

Dianthus 'Neon Star'

Dianthus 'Romance'
Pinks PP 21843

Dianthus 'Rosebud'
Pinks PP 21397

Dianthus 'Stargazer'
Pinks Star Single™ PP 26776

Dianthus 'Sugar Plum'
Pinks PP 21398

Dianthus Everlast™ 'Pink + White'
Pinks PP 34855

Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ 'Cute as a Button'
Pinks PP 31453

Dianthus Pretty Poppers™ 'Kiss and Tell'
Pinks PP 32227

Dianthus Star Double™ Pop Star
Pinks PP 18222

Dianthus STAR DOUBLE™ Pop Star
Pinks PP 18222

Dicentra 'Luxuriant'
Fringed Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis
Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine'
Bleeding Heart PP 22739

Digitalis 'Artic Fox Rose'
Foxglove PP 31900

Digitalis 'Camelot Cream'

Digitalis 'Camelot Lavender'

Digitalis 'Dalmatian Peach'

Digitalis 'Dalmatian Purple'
Fox Glove

Digitalis 'Foxy'

Digitalis 'Pink Panther'

Dryopteris 'Brilliance'
Autumn Fern